SPRING 2015 (Volume 17, Issue 2)

Managing Editor–Aziz Douai

Research Articles

Chasing Infinity: The Fear of Disconnecting                                                                  By Constance Milbourne & Jeffrey Wilkinson

Effect of Internalizing the Thin Ideal in College Women: Covariance Structure Analysis          By Masako Ura & Kathleen Preston

Quality of Minority Health Communication: An Analysis of Hispanic-targeted Health Websites                                                                                                                                     By Emma Wertz & Sora Kim

Unrealistic Optimism and the Third-Person Effect of Health News on Cancer Risk                    By Beom Jun Bae

For or Against it? Public Opinion on International Trade, News Framing, and Pre-existing Schemas                                                                                                                                    By Wei Zha, Robert Goidel, & Judith Sylvester

Book Reviews

Feeding Frenzy (film) by Kate Geis                                                                                         Reviewed by Lori Vallotton Roe

White Like Me: Race, Racism & White Privilege in America (film) by Tim Wise                     Reviewed by Connie Ma